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Personnel Committee Minutes 3/01/07


PRESENT:  Members Jennie Greene, Susan Heilbron, Max McCreery and Richard Williams.  Also present:  Executive Secretary Tim Carroll, Staff Liaison Polly McDowell, Selectmen’s Liaison Riggs Parker and Chuck Hodgkinson.

MEETING MINUTES:  The February 8, 2007 meeting minutes were reviewed.  Ms. Heilbron made a motion to approve the minutes as presented.  Mr. McCreery seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor.
PERSONNEL BYLAW ADDITION:  Mr. Williams commented that the Fincom did not vote on the Personnel Bylaw addition that is being proposed at the April 23rd Annual Town Meeting.  Mr. Parker said he would investigate this further.  Mr. Williams also shared a conversation that took place at the Fincom meeting regarding a proposal to restructure the current Dog Officer, Assistant Dog Officer and backup Assistant Dog Officer positions.  He said the proposal asks to consolidate the two assistant positions and their respective stipend compensation into one Assistant Dog Officer job.  The Board will look into this further to see what the job descriptions indicate.

The pay grade for the Assistant Beach Superintendent was also discussed.  It was pointed out that it has the same pay grade (8) as the Beach Superintendent.  Apparently this position was created several years ago as a seasonal position.  It was not clear how the grade was established.  The Board will investigate this as well.

OPEN ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT POSITION:  Mr. Carroll distributed copies of the advertisement, Town Hall posting for this opening, the job description and a draft list of specific job tasks that must be performed.  The Board thought this was a very good way to initiate the hiring process—particularly the list of job tasks.

RECRUITMENT AND HIRING DRAFT POLICY:  Mr. Williams distributed a revised draft of this policy dated 2/24/07 for the Board’s consideration.  It added a statement that clarifies if a town employee or someone that might be involved in the hiring procedures actively recruits a candidate, this person should not participate in the selection process.

3/8/07 AQUINNAH TOWN MEETING:  Ms. Greene volunteered to attend this Town meeting to field any questions that might arise regarding the pay grade adjustments for the Advanced Life Support and Ambulance Coordinator positions.

The next Personnel Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 27th @ 8:00 AM.

With no additional business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 9:45 AM.  

Respectfully submitted by Chuck Hodgkinson, CAS.